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Bed Bug Control
in Austin, Texas

Why is Austin Bed Bug Control So Important?

No one wants to have bed bugs in their home. Even just hearing the words ‘bed bugs’ is enough to strike fear in the heart of any homeowner. This is completely understandable. Bed bugs need warm-blooded hosts to survive. They bite a host and they leave a red, itchy bump behind. The very idea that bed bugs are hiding out in a mattress, box spring, or other furniture, is enough to leave a person feeling uncomfortable and unable to get a good night’s sleep.

Bed bug infestations have always been a problem in Texas, but they are becoming even more prevalent today. As such, all homeowners should know about these critters, what they are, and how to get rid of them. Below, our Austin and San Antonio bed bug control experts explain everything you need to know about these unsightly insects.

Understanding the Habits of Bed Bugs

Bed bugs are insects, but they are also parasites. This means they need a host to live. Most of the time, bed bugs rely on humans for their food source. Sometimes though, they do bite other animals, such as the pets within a home. Bed bugs are approximately the same size as an apple seed. They are visible to the human eye, but they are also very small, meaning homeowners sometimes have to conduct a very thorough search when they suspect they may have an infestation.

Bed bugs are mostly active at night. During the day, they hide in the nooks and crannies of mattresses, box springs, and even other furniture within a home. When a host is nearby, usually at night, the bugs then crawl out from their shelter to feed. In some locations, such as theaters, shopping centers, offices, and libraries, they may feed during the day.

Do Bed Bugs Pose a Threat to Human Health?

There are many pests that pose a threat to human health, especially when a pest is considered parasitic. Unlike mosquitoes and fleas though, bed bugs are not usually considered dangerous to humans. This does not mean though, that an infestation is ever welcome.

Some individuals are actually allergic to the bites of bed bugs and this can cause very serious problems. An allergic reaction could be so serious it causes an anaphylactic reaction, which affects a person’s ability to breathe. Bed bug bites are also extremely itchy. A person may scratch them excessively and not even mean to, because they scratch the bites while they sleep. When the scratching is so excessive that it breaks open the skin, it could lead to an infection. In some cases, these infections could require medical treatment.

The effect of bed bugs is not always physical. The mere presence of bed bugs in a home could cause a person to feel very stressed, and it could take an emotional toll. The stress can also prevent a person from getting a good night’s sleep, which is essential for a person’s health. When the stress becomes too great, it could result in physical issues. Both a lack of sleep and stress could result in high blood pressure, diabetes, and even heart failure.

How Do Bed Bugs Get Inside a Home?

Keeping a clean home is simply not enough to keep bed bugs out of it. Bed bugs do not care about the cleanliness, or lack thereof, of a space. All they need is a host as a food source and so, as long as there are people inside a home, bed bugs will be attracted to it.

Bed bugs are known hitchhikers. They will climb into luggage, purses, and even clothing and stay there until they have found a space where they can take shelter near a warm-blooded host. Once even just a few bed bugs have made their way into a space, an infestation can quickly develop.

Bed bugs always come from another infested space. The most common example is when a person visits a hotel that has a bed bug problem. The visitor may place their luggage on a bed or on the floor of an infested room. The bed bugs then crawl inside and wait to be taken home with the hotel guest. Another very common way bed bugs make their way into homes is when someone in the house has purchased second-hand furniture or clothing. Without fully inspecting the items before bringing them into the home, it provides an easy way for bed bugs to make their way inside.

Bed bugs can easily spread throughout community housing, too. When just one unit in these housing complexes has a bed bug problem, the pests will use wires, vents, and walls to travel to other units where more warm-blooded hosts are present.

How to Eliminate a Bed Bug Problem

After finding bed bugs in your home, the first thing you naturally want to do is get rid of them as quickly as possible. You may even rush out to a local retailer to purchase one of the many products that are available today. This is not recommended, though. The products available over-the-counter today are at best ineffective and at worst, toxic to the health of humans. Many people do not know how to properly handle these products and so, they spray them around beds and furniture. These are also areas where people spend a great deal of time, inhaling the toxins and damaging their health as they do.

If you have a bed bug problem, the best way to get rid of it is to call a professional Texas pest control company. The professionals will know which solutions work to get rid of your problem and will use them safely so you, your pets, and no one else in the home is put at risk.

Call Our Bed Bug Control Experts in Austin Today

At Stride Pest Control, our Austin bed bug control experts know how to get rid of your problem safely and effectively. If you have found these pests in your home, call our Austin office at (512) 777-1339. You can also contact us online to schedule a free consultation and to learn more about how our solutions can help you.

Austin Pest Control & Exterminator Services Near Me: Our pest control company is located in Austin, Texas, but we service the Greater Austin area, including

San Antonio Pest Control & Exterminator Services Near Me: We offer expert pest control to the following San Antonio, Texas areas:

Learn more about bed bugs by clicking below.

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