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Buda TX Pest Control

Don’t Settle For Less


Buda doubled its population in just eight years between 2010 and 2018, and the city only continues to grow. Unfortunately, as people throughout Texas and the rest of the country continue to learn about all that Buda has to offer, so too do pests. Bed bugs, cockroaches, flying insects, and mice are just a few types of pests that are common in the city, and they do not always remain outside where they belong.

If you have a pest control problem, do not try to handle it on your own. A Buda pest control expert can provide a solution that will get rid of the pests safely and effectively.

Interesting Facts About Bugs in Texas

You may be more interested in getting rid of pests than you are in learning about them when you find them in your home. However, Texas is a unique state in many ways, and that includes the pests that call it home. A few of the most interesting facts about Texas are as follows:

  • Contrary to what many people think, fire ants did not originate in Texas. They are originally from South America, although these bugs have made their way to Texas.
  • Texas is a big state, and pests are very prevalent here. Due to this, the exact number of pests in the state is unknown, but it is thought that the state is home to around 50,000 different species.
  • It has been said that everything is bigger in Texas, and that includes the pests, too. Texas has some of the largest cicadas, katydids, and megaphasmas, a stick insect that resides in trees.
  • Crickets are so prevalent in Texas, they have shut down businesses in Austin in the past.
  • The rodeo ant is a new type of critter that has been found in Texas. The name is appropriate for the state, but also because it hitchhikes on the backs of queen ants and places its own egg alongside the queen’s.

What Pests are Common in Buda?

There are many different types of pests in Buda, and it would be impossible to list them all here. Still, there are some creatures that are more common than others, and they are as follows:

  • Bed bugs
  • Termites
  • Scorpions
  • Spiders
  • Flying insects
  • Stinging insects
  • House flies
  • Ants
  • Cockroaches
  • Fleas and ticks
  • Rodents

In some cases, the above pests are very easy to identify when they make their way into a home. In other instances though, pests go undetected for a long time and when that happens, they can cause serious damage to the structure of a home.

How to Detect a Pest Infestation

By the time you see one cockroach or one mouse, there is a very good chance that a serious infestation has already developed. While noises in the wall or bags of food that are ripped open are obvious signs that you have a pest problem, there are others, as well. The most common signs of a pest infestation are as follows:

  • Unpleasant odors: Pests carry with them a myriad of smells. They will urinate and defecate, which will leave a smell behind, and they will also rip open bags of food that may rot and start to smell. As they die, they may retreat into the walls and their body may start to decompose.
  • Dirt buildup: Pests do not only carry unpleasant smells, but they are also very dirty, which is one reason people do not want them in their homes. Pests will often travel along walls because it helps guide them. As they walk along these areas, they may leave smudges or greasy spots as they go.
  • Droppings: Regardless of where pests go, they will leave droppings. Although finding droppings is always a concern, they can also be useful in determining which type of pest you are dealing with. Insect droppings are very small, while droppings from mice or rats are much larger. Any time you see droppings, it is important to dispose of them properly. These droppings carry very serious diseases, such as the hantavirus, which can transmit to humans and be very dangerous.
  • Cobwebs: One or two cobwebs may not be cause for concern, but if you see several, it is likely that you have an infestation. Also, several cobwebs in one area could mean there is a food source, such as another pest, nearby.

Why Work with a Pest Control Company in Buda?

With so many traps, baits, and pesticides on the market, it is no wonder so many homeowners think they can tackle pest control on their own. However, working with a Buda pest control company has many benefits, including:

  • An education: Once pests make their way inside your home, you have to understand how they are getting in and how they behave in order to eliminate them. A Buda pest control expert will already have this knowledge and can tell you everything you need to know.
  • Safety: When people think of professional pest control, they often imagine fogging or smoking techniques that require them to be out of the home for several weeks. Fortunately, pest control has come a long way over the years. The baits, traps, and pesticides a professional will use today are very safe, and much safer than anything you may find on the market.
  • Affordability: Many people try to solve their own pest problem because they want to save money. It is only after trying every product on the market and spending hundreds of dollars, only to find that their efforts were fruitless, that many people realize just how affordable it is to work with a professional pest control company.

Call Our Pest Control Experts in Buda Today

If you are dealing with a pest problem, you cannot afford to wait any longer to call our Buda pest control experts at Stride Pest Control. We will discuss your issue during a free consultation and create a custom solution to eliminate the problem once and for all. Call us today at (512) 777-1339 or fill out our online form to learn more about how we can help.