Austin has a subtropical humid climate, with very hot summers. When temperatures warm up, you’ll be looking to cool down, and so will all the insects. Austin is home to many household insects that are looking for shelter at various times of the year. Some are destructive, contaminating food and homes. Others sting and bite people and are annoying in general.

Some common pests in Austin and Texas in general include the following:

  • Ants. Ants are some of the most common household pests in Texas. Most ant species that invade homes have nests outdoors, although some may have nests in walls or interior areas of homes.
  • Beetles. Beetles are one of the most diverse groups of insects in Texas. They are found in nearly every terrestrial and freshwater habitat in the world, which means they can also be found in homes and businesses.
  • Cockroaches. Cockroaches can be difficult to control once they enter your home or business. There are almost 70 kinds of cockroaches in the United States. These insects are a problem in many households, where they can spread disease and produce allergens that can lead to asthma.
  • Termites. Termites are wood-infesting creatures that destroy homes and other buildings. They cause billions of dollars in damage every year. The eastern subterranean termite is the most commonly encountered species, but drywood and Formosan termites are also a problem for some homes.
  • Bees and wasps. There are close to 3,500 species of bees in North America. While solitary bees are often overlooked and rarely sting people, honey bees and bumblebees are social and will sting to defend their nest. Wasps are beneficial, eating small bugs that can ruin the crops in your garden. However, they can be aggressive and will attack people, especially social wasps (those that make paper nests).

These pests may be annoying to have in your home or yard. They may come out during certain times of the year. You’ll want to ensure you have proper Austin pest control in place to quickly handle pest issues and prevent future infestations. Stride Pest Control can help.

Pests in the Fall

  • Rodents. As temperatures drop, rodents like mice and rats seek shelter indoors. It is not uncommon for them to enter homes in search of warmth and food.
  • Ants. Some ant species become more active in the fall as they forage for food before winter. Fire ants can be particularly problematic in the fall.
  • Spiders. Many spider species are more active in the fall as temperatures drop. They can be found looking for shelter indoors.

Pests in the Winter

  • Rodents. Rodent infestations can become more pronounced during the winter months as rodents seek shelter from the cold.
  • Cockroaches. Cockroaches may seek refuge indoors during the colder months, particularly in warm, humid areas like kitchens and bathrooms.
  • Termites. Termites are less active in the winter. However, they can still pose a threat during the winter months, especially in heated buildings where they can continue to feed and reproduce.

Pests in the Spring

  • Ants. Spring marks the beginning of ant season, with many species becoming more active as temperatures rise and they search for food.
  • Mosquitoes. Mosquitoes start to emerge in the spring. Warmer temperatures and increased rainfall can lead to a surge in mosquito populations.
  • Bees and wasps. Spring is when bees and wasps become more active as they emerge from hibernation or build new nests.

Pests in the Summer

  • Mosquitoes. Mosquito populations typically peak during the summer months due to the warm temperatures and ample breeding grounds.
  • Ticks. Ticks are most active during the summer, posing a risk to both humans and pets, especially in areas with tall grass and dense vegetation.
  • Flies. Flies thrive in the heat of summer and can become a nuisance both indoors and outdoors.
  • Termites. Termites may swarm during the summer months, particularly after heavy rainfall, as they search for new places to establish colonies.

Year-Round Pest Control

Implementing year-round pest control strategies is essential for maintaining a pest-free environment and preventing infestations. Here are some strategies to consider:

  • Regular inspections. Conduct routine inspections of your property to identify any signs of pest activity or potential entry points. Check both the interior and exterior of your home or building.
  • Sealing entry points. Seal cracks, gaps, and openings in walls, floors, and around windows and doors to prevent pests from entering your property. Pay attention to areas where utility pipes and wires enter the building.
  • Proper food storage. Keep food stored in airtight containers to prevent pests such as ants, cockroaches, and rodents from accessing it. Clean up spills and crumbs promptly.
  • Maintain cleanliness. Regularly clean your home or building, including floors, countertops, and other surfaces. Eliminate clutter, which can provide hiding places for pests.
  • Outdoor maintenance. Keep your outdoor areas clean and well-maintained. Trim vegetation away from the building to reduce hiding places for pests and to prevent them from accessing your property easily.
  • Reduce moisture. Address any sources of excess moisture in and around your property, as pests are attracted to damp environments. Fix leaky pipes, repair roof leaks, and ensure proper drainage around your home.
  • Proper waste management. Dispose of garbage in sealed bins with tight-fitting lids. Keep outdoor trash cans clean and free of food residue.
  • Regular pest control treatments. Consider implementing a regular pest control treatment schedule. Stride Pest Control can provide preventative treatments tailored to your specific needs and the local pest population.

Contact Us Today

Austin has many insects, and these pests can be a nuisance any time of the year. Whether you are dealing with insects in the winter, spring, summer, or fall, the team at Stride Pest Control can handle them all.

Get the help you need from our experienced pest control technicians. We will work hard to safeguard your property so you can focus on other more important things. Schedule a free consultation today by filling out the online form or calling (512) 777-1339.